The Manila Times

PNP chief leads surprise drug test


TO show his commitment to stopping the illegal drug menace, Philippine National Police chief BGen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. led top police officials in an on-the-spot drug test at Camp Crame.

Acorda, along with top members of the PNP hierarchy, submitted their urine samples in a drug testing drive during the monthly command conference led in Camp Crame last Friday.

Aside from Acorda, 89 ranking police officials, including the Command Group Directorial Staff, regional commanders and National Support Unit directors, also submitted themselves to drug testing.

Acorda emphasized the significance of the drug testing, saying that it not only determines the fitness of PNP commanders but also demonstrates the PNP’s commitment to integrity enhancement and cleansing of its ranks, particularly those in command positions.

All submitted urine specimens yielded negative results.

“This surprise drug test underscores the PNP’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct among its members,” Acorda said.

“It also serves as a clear message that the organization is resolute in its efforts to combat illegal drugs and ensure the integrity of its leadership,” Acorda added.

He said that any personnel of the police force found using illegal drugs would have an equivalent appropriate penalty, the worst of which would be dismissal from the service.

Several policemen have been monitored either using the poisonous illegal substance methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu” or engaging in its illegal trade.

So far, 935 erring policemen have been dismissed from the service following their complicity in various illegal activities and offenses during their tour of duty spanning from January 2022 to Aug. 30, 2023.

The PNP is currently resolving 3,097 other cases.





The Manila Times