The Manila Times

How Princess Revilla wants to be remembered


PRINCESS Revilla has deep roots in entertainment and politics, thanks to her father Sen. Ramon Revilla Sr. and her relatives who have ventured into both domains. But the soft spoken lady prefers to be remembered for carving her unique path.

The younger Revilla appeared on the big screen, the most notable of which was her lead role in “Jessa: Blusang Itim 2,” with leading man Gabby Concepcion.

In a recent intimate media roundtable, Princess said that while she enjoyed her brief time as an actress, she realized early on that the entertainment industry wasn’t her calling.

“That’s because I’m naturally very shy. Even when we had these visitors at home, I just stay in my room,” she revealed.

In the early ‘90s, Princess chose a different direction due to her marriage and the start of her family. She opted not to pursue a career in entertainment or follow the political footsteps of her family. Instead, she embraced philanthropy — a value instilled by her parents in their children.

In 1998, Princess inaugurated the Azucena Mortel Bautista Memorial Foundation in honor of her mother.

“Our parents really taught us to give whatever we can, share our blessings to the needy, without expecting anything in return,” she emphasized.

For nearly four years, Princess dedicated herself to the foundation conducting medical and dental missions, relief programs during natural disasters, and providing scholarships, among other endeavors.

“Though I eventually stopped, it motivated me to work harder so I could continue helping others with my own means.”

In the years that followed, Princess focused on and grew her construction business. Nevertheless, she continued her philanthropic efforts through smaller projects, always in tribute to her parents.

Her hard work paid off and in the midst of the success of her business, Princess was able to establish the Princess Revilla Foundation, Inc. (PRFI) in 2021.

PRFI holds programs that benefit children and women from marginalized sectors as Princess believes transforming people’s lives for the better can significantly contribute to nation-building.

“In my own modest way, I contribute to the battle against poverty. I find contentment and joy in extending a helping hand to the most vulnerable members of our society. At present, my focus is really on nurturing the foundation and expanding its services to those who need it the most.”

To be sure, she stands out as the non-political luminary among the Revilla family, but Princess is not letting this deter her from helping.

“For me helping others also give a feeling of fulfillment and a realization that you don’t need to be a politician to help. Even as an ordinary citizen, you can do your part by sharing to the best of your capabilities,” she finally shared.

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The Manila Times